Learning Zeybek

Anadolu University
The aim of this course is to teach through videos Harmandalı, one of the popular

and important types of Zeybek, i.e. a form of folk dance performed mainly in

Western and Central Anatolia. The eight-week training includes introduction to

the dance, moves, women’s and men’s figures, music and step coordination.

Participants will be able to perform Harmandalı if they practice regularly.

Week 1. Preparations, Positions

Week 2. Arm Positions and Step Coordination

Week 3. History, Main Steps and First Figure

Week 4. First Photographers and Their Works

Weeks 5-7. Various Figures in Harmandalı

Week 8. Combination of Harmandalı Figures Accompanied by Music

Language: Turkish


Duration: 0 weeks

Hours of study: 25 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education



Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online



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