
106 new free courses by Uninettuno

After the announcement at the Paris Conference the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has implemented the MOOC offer on OpenupEd with 106 new free courses in English, Italian, Arabic and French.

The new courses are now available on the platform taking from 6 big areas of interst (Economy, Engeneering, Law, Litterature, Psycology, Media and Communication). The OpenupEd users can find courses and lessons on the European Union from professors as Romano Prodi former Italian Prime Minister and former President of EU, Mario Monti former European Commisioner and former Italian Prime Minister, or courses and lessons on italian art, Renaissance, Old civilizations as the egyptian one with a special cours on Pyramids and Faraons, Mathematics, Algebra, Web design, DB programming, Global journalism and much more specific courses.

Course partcipants can decide to follow the courses for free in a self paced mode for personal use or they can ask for credits recognition (ECTS) and be assisted by a personal tutor using all the interactive tools as virtual classrooms in streaming live, exercises, forums and chats on the UNINETTUNO online elearning platform until the final exams.

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