Historical Adventure of Rock and Roll
Music is a sociological phenomenon. Almost all social events in the world history
have taken a form of music as a reference. Rock and Roll, which emerged in
1950s, has also undertaken such a mission. Rock and Roll has been an important
part of youth culture since 1951 when Alan Freed, a DJ making a radio program in
Cleveland, coined the term. The aim of this course is to explain the historical
development of Rock and Roll based on its ties with social phenomena.
Week 1. Emergence of Rock and Roll, 1951
Week 2. British Invasion, 1960-1970
Week 3. Rise of Heavy Metal 1970-1990
Week 4. Rock and Roll after 1990
have taken a form of music as a reference. Rock and Roll, which emerged in
1950s, has also undertaken such a mission. Rock and Roll has been an important
part of youth culture since 1951 when Alan Freed, a DJ making a radio program in
Cleveland, coined the term. The aim of this course is to explain the historical
development of Rock and Roll based on its ties with social phenomena.
Week 1. Emergence of Rock and Roll, 1951
Week 2. British Invasion, 1960-1970
Week 3. Rise of Heavy Metal 1970-1990
Week 4. Rock and Roll after 1990
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Historical Adventure of Rock and Roll
Music is a sociological phenomenon. Almost all social events in the world history
have taken a form of music as a reference. Rock and Roll, which emerged in
1950s, has also undertaken such a mission. Rock and Roll has been an important
part of youth culture since 1951 when Alan Freed, a DJ making a radio program in
Cleveland, coined the term. The aim of this course is to explain the historical
development of Rock and Roll based on its ties with social phenomena.
Week 1. Emergence of Rock and Roll, 1951
Week 2. British Invasion, 1960-1970
Week 3. Rise of Heavy Metal 1970-1990
Week 4. Rock and Roll after 1990
have taken a form of music as a reference. Rock and Roll, which emerged in
1950s, has also undertaken such a mission. Rock and Roll has been an important
part of youth culture since 1951 when Alan Freed, a DJ making a radio program in
Cleveland, coined the term. The aim of this course is to explain the historical
development of Rock and Roll based on its ties with social phenomena.
Week 1. Emergence of Rock and Roll, 1951
Week 2. British Invasion, 1960-1970
Week 3. Rise of Heavy Metal 1970-1990
Week 4. Rock and Roll after 1990
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
M. Tarkan OĞUZ
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Full Course Experience
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Anadolu University
2016-12-07 12:36:34
Rock And Roll’un Serüveni
Sosyolojik bir olgu olan müzik sadece güzel zaman geçirmemize yardım etmez aynı zamanda toplumsal olgularla bir paralellik gösterir. Hemen hemen tüm toplumsal olguların referans aldığı bir müzik türü bulunmaktadır. 1950’li yıllarda ortaya çıkan Rock And Roll müziği ve türevleri de aynı misyonu sürdürmektedir. Rock and Roll, Alan Freed adlı Dj’in Cleveland’da yaptığı bir radyo programında 1951 yılında ilk kez telaffuz edildiği andan günümüze kadar, gençlik kültürünün önemli bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Bu dersin amacı, Rock And Roll müziğinin gelişimini toplumsal olgular arasında bağlantı kurarak aktarmaktır.
Hafta 1: Başlangıç 1954
Hafta 2: İngiliz İstilası 1960-1970
Hafta 3: Heavy Metal’in Yükselişi 1970-1990
Hafta 4: 1990 Sonrası Gelişmeler ve Konuya Genel Bir Bakış
Hafta 1: Başlangıç 1954
Hafta 2: İngiliz İstilası 1960-1970
Hafta 3: Heavy Metal’in Yükselişi 1970-1990
Hafta 4: 1990 Sonrası Gelişmeler ve Konuya Genel Bir Bakış
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