Scuba Diving
Discovering the underwater world has probably been a dream of every person.
The desire to fish, discover, repair boats or t find treasures motivated the efforts
to stay longer underwater. It took about five centuries of uninterrupted scientific
research and progress to achieve the technology used today. Over time, scuba
diving has become a popular sportive activity across the world and in Turkey. The
aim of this course is to provide basics of scuba diving and increase interest in the
underwater world.
Week 1. History and Types of Diving
Week 2. Equipment and Materials Used in Scuba Diving
Week 3. Essentials of Scuba Diving
Week 4. Dive Sites in the world and Turkey
The desire to fish, discover, repair boats or t find treasures motivated the efforts
to stay longer underwater. It took about five centuries of uninterrupted scientific
research and progress to achieve the technology used today. Over time, scuba
diving has become a popular sportive activity across the world and in Turkey. The
aim of this course is to provide basics of scuba diving and increase interest in the
underwater world.
Week 1. History and Types of Diving
Week 2. Equipment and Materials Used in Scuba Diving
Week 3. Essentials of Scuba Diving
Week 4. Dive Sites in the world and Turkey
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Scuba Diving
Discovering the underwater world has probably been a dream of every person.
The desire to fish, discover, repair boats or t find treasures motivated the efforts
to stay longer underwater. It took about five centuries of uninterrupted scientific
research and progress to achieve the technology used today. Over time, scuba
diving has become a popular sportive activity across the world and in Turkey. The
aim of this course is to provide basics of scuba diving and increase interest in the
underwater world.
Week 1. History and Types of Diving
Week 2. Equipment and Materials Used in Scuba Diving
Week 3. Essentials of Scuba Diving
Week 4. Dive Sites in the world and Turkey
The desire to fish, discover, repair boats or t find treasures motivated the efforts
to stay longer underwater. It took about five centuries of uninterrupted scientific
research and progress to achieve the technology used today. Over time, scuba
diving has become a popular sportive activity across the world and in Turkey. The
aim of this course is to provide basics of scuba diving and increase interest in the
underwater world.
Week 1. History and Types of Diving
Week 2. Equipment and Materials Used in Scuba Diving
Week 3. Essentials of Scuba Diving
Week 4. Dive Sites in the world and Turkey
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
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2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.
Always online
Full Course Experience
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Anadolu University
2016-12-07 12:39:58
Scuba Dalışı (Donanımlı Dalış)
İnsan var olduğu günden bu yana yaşam kaynağı olan suya ve onun altında yatan gizemli dünyaya karşı büyük bir merak beslemiştir. Bu merak sayesinde insan su altına yönelik heyecan dolu macerasına başlamıştır. Önceleri avlanma ile başlayan bu macera daha sonraları su altındaki yaşamı keşfetme ve bu heyecan verici dünyada daha fazla vakit geçirebilme arayışlarına yönelmiştir. Scuba dalış, zamanla tüm dünyada ve ülkemizde popülerliği artan, yaygın sportif bir hobi haline gelmiştir. Bu dersin amacı, Scuba dalış hakkında merak edilen temel konulara değinerek su altı dünyasına yönelik ilgiyi arttırmaktır.
Haftalık Program:
Hafta 1: İlk Çağlardan Bugüne Dalış Türleri ve Tarihçesi
Hafta 2: Scuba Dalışında Kullanılan Temel Donanım ve Malzemeler
Hafta 3: Scuba Dalışı İle İlgili Merak Edilen Konular
Hafta 4: Türkiye'de ve Dünyadaki Önemli Dalış Noktalarından Örnekler
Haftalık Program:
Hafta 1: İlk Çağlardan Bugüne Dalış Türleri ve Tarihçesi
Hafta 2: Scuba Dalışında Kullanılan Temel Donanım ve Malzemeler
Hafta 3: Scuba Dalışı İle İlgili Merak Edilen Konular
Hafta 4: Türkiye'de ve Dünyadaki Önemli Dalış Noktalarından Örnekler
Rehber Gözetimli